A Magical Kiss (Parlour size) by Card-Shark - Trick

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For the purpose of this explination, the routine assumes that the magician is male and the spectator is female, but you can of course adapt it accordingly. "Chaque a don gout" as the French say.

The magician starts talking about gifts and cards, perhaps in the context of birthdays or even Valentine's Day. He promises to give a present to the female spectator using a very special deck of cards, containing varoius gift ideas. Taking out a deck he shows that he has written the names of all kinds of presents, such as a silver pendant, a holiday, a gold watch, a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates (and other such goodies) onto the backs of a well shuffled deck. The deal: whatever card she names, he promises to give her whatever present or gife is written on the back of her chosen card. He adds, with a smile, that if she is not happy with the present, she can instead give that present to the magician. Her chosen card is taken out of the deck face up and amidst much excitement, slowly turned over to reveal the words "A Magical Kiss."

Played right and with charm, this usually results in plenty of smiles and laughter, and at least a friendly peck on the cheek!

As we all know, the way you present this is considerably more important than the method! Choose your spectator wisely, always be both nice and humble... and, as Paolo always advises, never underestimate the wisdon of magical David Devant's brilliant aphorism "All done by kindness."