Gambling Incorporated

Cheating At Backgammon by George Joseph - DVD

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  • Regular price $ 20.00

Backgammon is one of the first documented board games and the oldest that is still being played. It is one of the most widely known and played games in the world and is enjoyed by adults and children alike. It has evolved as a social activity with many local Backgammon clubs around the world that feature tournaments and money games. Because it is a two-person game, without supervision, it is susceptible to cheating.

On this DVD George Joseph who is a leading authority on cheating techniques and game security discusses, demonstrates and explains the many methods that are regularly used to cheat at Backgammon. You will learn methods of controlling dice throws and about gaffed devices and strategies.

Subjects covered include: Dump Shot, peek, killed die, Hold Out Dump Shot, Slick Shot, tops, Juice Joint, gaffing fair cups, Butterfly Cup, dice switching, palming, Doubling Cube Hustle and much more.

Sold for educational and entertainment purposes only. Millions of dollars are lost every year to cheaters and we recommend that anyone who plays Backgammon be familiar with these techniques in order to protect themselves.

Running Time Approximately 20min