Genii Magazine

Genii Magazine - February 2015 - Book

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Joshua Jay: Some Steps Along the Way by David Britland
Waves of Silent Applause by Simon J. Carmel

Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman
On the Slant by Jon Racherbaumer
Now Performing
In Memoriam Amy Dawes by Clay Shevlin
Eugene's Notebook Where Magicians Meet by Eugene Burger
The Chamber of Secrets French Ball Grabbers by John Gaughan
Cardopolis Fool's Mate by David Britland
Ringside Premonition and Déjà Vu by Caleb Wiles
DaOrtiz a la Carte! Orderly Chaos by Dani DaOrtiz
Conjuring Gobbledygook by Jim Steinmeyer
Magicana by Andi Gladwin
Stessel's Zapped by John Stessel
Prace Peek by Jeff Prace
Journey Through Boston by Gregg Webb
The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
Knights of the Magic Castle by Daniel Ulin
Magic Castle Performance Schedule

Light from the Lamp
Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
Rubber Bang! by Sean Yang
52 Pieces of Paper by Idan Kaufman
Sparks by JC James
At the Table Live Lecture: Jack Carpenter by Jack Carpenter
A.C.A.A.N. Meeting by Marcelo Insua
Stand Up Magic by Tom Wright
Mugshot by Kevin Schaller

Books Reviewed by Eric Mead
Art Decko by Simon Aronson
Creating Theatrical Magic by Max Howard
On Writing Magic-The Hermetic Press Stylebook by Stephen Minch

Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
Hein's Catch Up by Karl Hein
Secret Passage by Jay Sankey
Paul Harris Presents "Fair Play" by Steve Haynes and Uday Jadugar
Cody's Comedy Book Test by Cody Fisher
On Off by Nicholas Lawrence
Mrs. Brown's Magic Cookie by Todd Brown
The Ultimate Book Test Act by Luca Volpe