Conjuring Arts Research Center

Gibecière 12, Summer 2011, Vol. 6, No. 2 - Book

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This issue completes the first dozen issues and marks the end of the 6th volume. Happy anniversary, Gibecière!

As usual, there is a rich variety of contributions from a number of authors -- this makes for some fascinating reading. In addition to some historical works, we even delve into a historical feud!

The first article is an intriguing look into the fascinating character, Ishii Black, by Mitsunobu Matsuyama. That is a continuation of his superb series of articles investigating magic in Japan. In addition to the look into Black's life, there is also a reproduced series of articles that he contributed on Japanese magic, complete with commentary by Mr. Matsuyama.

The next series of articles are a present day look at what amounts to a historical feud! In the Summer 2009 issue, you will note that there was a translation of Spain's first magic book, Engaños a ojos vistas (Deceptions in Plain Sight) by Pablo Minguet è Yrol. Well, the book was not without controversy -- one of Minguet's contemporaries, Diego Joseph Zamorano, took him to task in Thesoro atractivo de curiosos... or Attractive treasury of curiosities.... Dr. Lori Pieper provides us with a translation of this interesting magical work. We are also treated to an introduction by Enrique Jimènez-Martinez, and some present day commentary by Stephen Minch!