The Miracle Factory

Houdini: The Master Mystery by The Miracle Factory - DVD

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  • Regular price $ 20.00

As Quentin Locke, Houdini foils cinema's first evil robot, as well as a conglomerate that's been hindering the progress of technology worldwide.

Houdini gets to show off his athletic skill and wizardry as he escapes from handcuffs, a packing crate tossed in the river, an electric chair, barbed wire, ropes, a fishing net, and more.

Special Escapes-Only Feature: We've gathered the footage of Houdini's Master Mystery escapes into an introductory section for the viewing convenience of magicians and historians. You can then proceed to the full movie series.

Nearly three hours long

Note: This compilation includes the extensive surviving footage of The Master Mystery, although a number of gaps in the story remain.