The Miracle Factory

Houdini Unbound (2 CDs of 10 Books by Houdini On PDF Format) - Trick

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Over 2500 pages of material! Convenient PDF format on two CDs Ten complete books by Houdini The complete Houdini's Conjurers' Monthly Magazine Hundreds of Houdini's secrets of escapes and magic Rare historic illustrations A must for the Houdini fan and serious magic student!

Uncover Houdini's secrets and the story of his life and death in these essential works, previously scarce and expensive, now collected on two CDs!

Volume One: Houdini's Pen

Ten of Harry Houdini's hard-to-find books, now digitized:

The Right Way to Do Wrong (1906): Houdini's eye-raising inquiry into the ways of criminals and swindlers

The Unmasking of Robert-Houdin (1908): One of the best collections of historical magic illustrations, wrapped in Houdini's controversial viewpoints

Handcuff Secrets (1910): Houdini's personal secrets of picking locks and escaping from handcuffs, straitjackets, and chains

Magical Rope Ties and Escapes (1915): The secrets of 36 of Houdini's most puzzling escapes, from simple rope ties to spectacular stunts.

Miracle Mongers and Their Methods (1920): A fascinating look at "fire eaters, heat resisters, poison eaters, venomous reptile defiers, sword swallowers, human ostriches, strong men, etc."

The Adventurous Life of a Versatile Artist (1922): The rare booklet of tales on Houdini's life and most famous escapes

Houdini's Paper Magic (1922): A compendium of magic effects including the beautiful Japanese Butterflies and tricks from masters like Felicien Trewey

Elliott's Last Legacy: Secrets of the King of All Kard Kings (1923): 150 card sleights and magic effects from Houdini's one-time rival as world-champion card magician

A Magician Among the Spirits (1924): Houdini's exposé of fraudulent spirit mediums, psychics, slate writers, spiritualistic photographers, ectoplasm producers, and the like

Houdini Exposes the Tricks Used by the Boston Medium "Margery" (1924): The clever methods of Houdini's frustrating nemesis, the charming spirit medium Margery.

Volume Two: Houdini's Conjurers' Monthly Magazine

All 24 issues of Houdini's Conjurers' Monthly Magazine (1906-1908) on fully searchable PDFs containing handcuff secrets, historical articles, biographies, news, and Houdini's writings. A priceless historical treasure trove!