MooM MagiK

Movements by Moom Magic - Trick

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  • Regular price $ 55.00

For everybody are known all the different effect that exist in the market related with TELEKINESIS, from already known ball-point pens to versions done with lighters.

MooM MagiK gives you the possibility to use from now on of one marker that in addition is perfect to sign cards, photos, etc... because it writes, is permanent and can be completely checked.

This marker has been specially designed to make your effects impressive, because you will not need leave it on the verge of falling like other versions that already are in the market. With this new version, the marker keep 70% supported in the table, in the glass, in the hand of the spectator or wherever you want and only a 30 % keep outside making a really spectacular fall.

Do not doubt about it!!! If you like the mental effects with great impact and 100% checked, this is your effect.

MOVEMENTS will work for you, you only have to look on it and stage your mental dowries.


The magician can invite one of his spectators to live an unforgettable experience based on TELEKINESIS. (The art to move objects with the power of the mind)

For this he will use something so simple and daily as a marker which can be used during the performance.

He will place it supported in a glass or in the table and after seconds of concentration the marker will fall leaving all the assistants with their mouth opened.

The effect is very impressive if you do it in the hand of one spectator, because it is rising gradually until it falls.

Points to consider:

- it can be 100 % checked
- it writes and it is possible to be recharged
- 70 % is within the table ( in other versions it is necessary to leave it on the verge of falling)
- it is a perfect marker to sign cards, photos, etc, and has a perfect size for scene.
- Its price!!!