Wild-Colombini Magic

To Die For (Spiral Bound) by Aldo Colombini - Book

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  • Regular price $ 18.00

My first book on cards and dice called Snake Eyes, was a big hit on our web. The same thing applied to my set of two DVDs called CARDS AND DIE DECEPTIONS produced by Meir Yedid.

This second book on cards and dice routines, contains most (if not all) of the routines included in the two DVDs with many new ones.

I have to thank Meir first for allowing me to use the routines from the above mentioned DVDs and all the other contributors for allowing me to use their material.

You are in possession of an outstanding collection of tricks and routines with dice and cards.

Have fun using them.

Best always,
Aldo Colombini

Pages: 24 - 8.5" x 11"